Focus groups can also be conducted online with 3-6 participants. They are 60-120 minutes long. The typical synergy effects of a live group f2f are somewhat less pronounced; nevertheless, the online group also has many advantages.
Even difficult target groups from different regions can be covered better in an online group than in a live group • Respondents from different countries can be interviewed in English in one group • High willingness to participate, no need for travel or exploration rooms • Online groups can be organized and implemented faster • A variety of customers can participate in the video groups • Stimulus material can be explored on a split screen or sent beforehand and then tested and investigated in the online focus group.
Our services
We are trained morphological depth psychologists who have additionally gained a lot of experience in the modern and digitally driven advertising and media industry.
Our toolkit
We are always curious, open to new things, to the possibilities offered by digitalization—without losing sight of the psychological core.